
Update from Ms. Cannon: April, 3 2020

Hello Chabot Community, Since my last communication we have learned that OUSD schools will remain closed through the rest of the academic year.  I am sure that most of you, like all of us on staff, are still trying to…


Continuity of Education Plan During Chabot Closure

All OUSD schools, including Chabot, will be closed to students starting at 6pm, on Friday, March 13 and will remain closed through Spring Break. OUSD schools are tentatively scheduled to reopen on Monday, April 6th. Now that Chabot will be…

Coronavirus Illustration from NPR

Update on Coronavirus Precautions

As you are likely aware, on Tuesday, February 25th, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) gave a press conference updating the country on the current status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and what steps should be taken moving forward.  I want…