Annual Fund

Annual Fund

It takes a village—and enough resources—to raise and educate our children. The Annual Fund is the Chabot PTA’s largest fundraiser and underwrites the many educational programs and student supports that help make Chabot an outstanding school. And we need your help! 

What does my donation fund?

Funding priorities focus on providing all students with the best possible learning environment and were developed in close partnership with Chabot’s principal. The examples listed below are just some of the programs and staff that would not exist at Chabot without your generous contributions. 

  • Art classes
  • Music for all grades
  • Librarians
  • Safety & emergency preparedness
  • In-class small group specialists 
  • Equity & Inclusion programs & resources 
  • Psychologists

* Check out the full scope of our budget.

Why should I donate?

  • Because you support public schools and believe that all children have the right to a great education. And you’re angry and disappointed that California ranks as one of the lowest states in the nation in per student spending. 
  • Because you understand that we must fill the large financial gap between the relatively small amount the district gives Chabot, and what it takes to run our school. We spend $1,200/student on programs that state and federal funds do not cover. 
  • Because it feels great to make a 100% tax deductible donation to a school that is trying to make a difference. The Chabot PTA is committed to taking an active stance against the clear inequities that exist in our community. We support organizations that are working to advance equity within Oakland schools, like the Equity Fund. Further, we allocate additional funds to our own Equity & Inclusion Committee, directly supporting students and families in our community.

Donating to The Annual Fund

While we spend $1,200 per student, we know not all families are able to give that amount. We encourage everyone to participate at a level they are comfortable with and help build the bridge that will allow ALL our children to thrive at this school.

Two Easy Ways to Donate:

  • Pay online. Use PayPal to make secure payments to the Chabot PTA. Click here to contribute.
  • Pay via check, cash, or offline via credit card. Download & print this donation form (same one that was sent home with your student) and drop off in the PTA box outside the school office or mail to Attn: Chabot PTA Annual Fund, 6686 Chabot Rd, Oakland, CA 94618

Did you know you can double your donation to the Annual Fund through a Corporate Matching Gift? Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to contribute to charitable organizations, like Chabot Elementary.

Learn more by visiting the Corporate Matching Gifts page.


Please contact us at

Every student counts. Every gift counts. All donations are greatly appreciated.

You can help us reach our goal!