Parties are a tradition at Chabot, a huge part of reaching our fundraising goals, and a key contributor to creating community. Hosting a party is a fun way to get to know fellow Chabot community members and raise money for our school. Parties for parents can range from themed dinner parties, wine tastings, sports outings, and fitness and art classes. Kids’ parties offer kids an opportunity to learn a new craft or skill, take a guided hike, or enjoy an afternoon tea party hosted by someone else’s parents. Parties bring together Chabot community members of all ages who share common interests or just want to relax and have some fun. Most parties are hosted by multiple families, who split the cost and share the planning duties.
Some examples from past years:
- A grade-level campout. All food provided, as well as games and activities for the kiddos. Imagine the ease! Current 3rd and 5th grades have kept this tradition alive since their Kinder years!
- An adult-only drag show with snacks and drinks to boot!
- Student-led Minecraft, Roblox or crafting lessons
- Movie nights for kids and families
- Hosted hikes or bike rides
- Progressive dinner parties
To learn more about the auction or for information on how to donate, reach out to the auction team!
Just for Kindergarten families…
It is also a Kindergarten tradition to have a Kindergarten-only party in the spring … parties in past years have included a backyard Biergarten with pretzels, beer and bratwurst; a fiesta with a taco truck; and a hosted party playdate at a park. It is a great opportunity for Kindergarten parents to connect and make new friends and celebrate the end of your child’s first year at Chabot! Every year we need to recruit a new group of Kindergarten parents to join forces to host this party.
Interested in hosting a party? Reach out to Reach out to Shaudi or any of the auction organizers.
Please note, to promote community and inclusivity, all parties will have spots reserved for those who are interested in participating but are unable to donate the ticket price. We want you to join the fun, at any level of participation!