back to school web image

Welcome Back! 2021-22 Back to School Year Information

WELCOME!!!  On behalf of all of the teachers and staff here at Chabot, I am so happy to welcome you back to school for what promises to be an amazing school year.   If you just recently registered for Chabot, you can click to view my whole WELCOME BACK LETTER that was sent as part of our Summer Mailing.  We are also attaching electronic copies of our Official Bell Schedule and Calendar which were sent in the same mailing.

Below are some important updates


We have decided to do Registration virtually, the two Chabot specific forms are attached to this notice.  You can print them out, sign them and turn them into our Outdoor Portable Office by the Multipurpose Room (MPR) on the first day of school.  There will also be a box for these forms outside of the Main Gate all next week between 8 am and 4 pm.  Alternatively, you can sign them electronically and email them back to me.

The “Back to School forms” required by the district can be done through Aeries.   Many families have already completed this, and we want  to thank you for taking the time to clean up  your data.

If you haven’t yet….here is how you do it.

Log in to and enter your email address in the space provided.  Click “forgot password” to get an email link to set a new password.
To change the language click the box in the upper right corner of the login screen.

Once in the Parent Portal you should see a Notification saying “you have not yet completed….Click on the blue Click here to start the process.  Please answer/update each section and click “Confirm and Continue; when done click Confirm/Finish.
If you are changing your address, you will need to send Margaret a picture of a recent bill with the new address on it.

*** Complete the “Back to School” tasks as soon as possible to ensure your spot at Chabot.  We have a very large waiting list, and need to ensure our data confirmation is complete.

If you need support with this process or if you would like paper copies,  please email to schedule a time either virtually or at the office for support


New Family Orientation – new to Chabot families with students in Grades 1-5 are invited to join us Wednesday August 4, from 5-7 .  Dinner will be provided; pizza, salad, water, watermelon. RSVP to with how many people by Tuesday so that we have enough food for everyone.  Event will be held in MPR and Upper Yard – Please enter through Gate between portables and the Library.


Visit your new kindergarten class with your student, meet your teacher, learn more about the Kindergarten routines and experience.  Please enter the Kindergarten Yard from the gates closest to the freeway on Patton. You will then be directed directly to your classrooms.  Gates will open at 2:00.


The Chabot Broadcast is a weekly newsletter that comes out by email every Thursday.  It has all the important updates from the office and the PTA.  Please sign up by clicking the link, and putting your email in the space provided. This is the best way to keep up with events, happenings, and schedule changes.


Parent’s can check the Aeries Parent Portal account for the Teacher assignment, after Thursday afternoon.  Reach out to if you are having trouble, she will be available Thursday afternoon/evening for support.

The District is holding a Safety Presentation, please consider attending if you have any safety questions/concerns


Please remember that the first week of school the students have minimum days, which means they are dismissed at 1:50.  Unless students are registered for Adventure Time, they need to be picked up immediately.  Students can not be on the yard without a parent/ caregiver supervising.   We will communicate more details about the first week of school procedures by the end of next week.