Chabot Online

Chabot Online

Keep up with Chabot community activities at these additional online locations.

Virtual Library

Chabot maintains a fantastic Virtual Library web page filled with excellent links for online learning and fun for all ages.

Current Highlights

Common Sense Media is an online resource that provided unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help kids harness the power of media and technology as a positive force. In addition to excellent reviews of apps, websites, games and more, they have a new “Parent Resources” section covering many important topics.\

Here are excellent Family Tip Sheets from Common Sense Media:

All 3rd-5th graders have Typing Club accounts and can login from home to continue learning the basics – just 6-7 minutes a day will help to build muscle memory and improve the typing skills. For all grades, there are a variety of links to explore, such as Typing Rocket and Typing Adventure under the “Typing Practice” section.

Facebook — Chabot

Facebook — Chabot School Art Program

Visit the Chabot Facebook pages for information and photos of the latest activities.

YouTube Channel

Chabot’s YouTube Channel contains a variety of short, edited videos on PTA topics and Chabot events.

Current Highlights

BULLYING IS NOT COOL — October is National Bullying Prevention Month and this fun, short video presents the important points of the Chabot Anti-Bullying Pledge. The video was created by two Chabot parents: Dane Frederickson and his company Digital Accomplice created the story and animation; Larry Dolton provided the sound design and sound mixing.