Hello Chabot Community,
It’s been a whirlwind of excitement and planning since Monday’s announcement that OEA and OUSD reached an agreement and students would be returning to campus on a hybrid model. I want to acknowledge that this transition is bringing up a lot of different feelings in different families. Some people are concerned about safety; some are frustrated because the in school hours are not as much as they had hoped for; some are relieved; some are worried about their students who are not able to return to campus. All of these feelings are valid and important. I want to assure everyone reading this that, as we navigate this next transition together, I will remain as alert and responsive to all of your concerns as I possibly can.
I also want to share that Chabot is in a very strong place to open our doors next Tuesday. Some of you have correctly heard that the MOU between OUSD and OEA allows teachers an option to return or not return to in person learning for the first 7 in person learning days of this new model (March 30 – April 14). I am beyond grateful that almost all of our K-2 teachers have chosen to return in person, and those who are not able to do that communicated their needs very early on and very professionally so that I have been able to secure highly qualified subs to support those students for the first two weeks that they are back. Additionally, many of our Upper Grade, Enrichment teachers, and Support Staff have also “opted in” so we are really in great shape to offer our returning K-2 students a very warm welcome and super positive experience. On Wednesday, I will reach out to any classes whose teacher may not be back for the first seven in-person days to communicate their plan.
Every class will have 3 cohorts:
COHORT A – In person learning on Monday and Tuesday afternoons
COHORT B – In person learning on Thursday and Friday afternoons
COHORT C – No in person learning – will have an optional small group check in with support staff during some afternoons and will have asynchronous work to complete
Room Parents will be sharing Cohort Lists by Class later tonight or early tomorrow. (Grades 3-5 – yours will be out next week) Please review. In terms of changing cohort, here are the guidelines:
You may opt OUT of In Person Hybrid Learning at any time
You may only opt INTO In Person Learning by certain deadlines
Notify me by Friday 3/26 at noon to start on 3/30
Notify me by Thursday 4/13 at noon to start on 4/19
Movement into cohorts is limited in order to keep them stable for COVID safety.
Siblings should be in the same A/B cohort. No other requests for A vs B will be considered. We made these groups based on academic need, balanced groups, Special Ed needs, and siblings. We simply can not accommodate additional preferences. If you want to request a change, please email me directly with the title HYBRID SCHEDULE CHANGE. Feel free to cc your teacher.
SCHEDULE CHANGES Next week is definitely an “All Hands on Deck” time for our school. As such there are some schedule changes that will impact all grades:
All electives – Art, Music, PE are stopping – these teachers will be supporting your students in new and exciting ways
Many groups with our Small Group Specialists (Afshan, Irene, Hannah, Laurel) will be stopping temporarily or being rescheduled so these staff can support our return to school – teachers and SGS will communicate details to impacted students
K-2 Library and Science are temporarily stopping as of Thursday 3/25
Those K-2 teachers who are returning to in person instruction next week have two planning days this Thursday 3/25 and Friday 3/26. On these two days, most K-2 classes will only meet with their teachers for an hour of Synchronous Instruction; the rest of these days will be Asynchronous.
MORE INFORMATION IS COMING I hope most K-2 families will be able to join us for our K-2 HYBRID ORIENTATION at 5:00 pm on Thursday 3/25
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 8949 0972
Passcode: 299595
I will record that meeting and send the recording out along with the Slide Show and FAQ document. At that meeting, we will discuss:
Schedule Details
Pick Up/Drop Off Logistics
Parent Square Symptom Screening
Safety Protocols
If you have any additional questions or topics you would like covered, please submit them through this GOOGLE FAQ FORM
Meanwhile, here are some important steps you can take to help us all be ready to return to school safely.
Work with your Room Parent to make sure you can access our new Symptom Checker – Parent Square
Keep an eye out for emails from Margaret about missing immunizations; students can not come back to school if they are missing the usual back to school vaccines
Start talking to your children about school – get them excited. They will pick up on whatever emotions you are showing, so if you are worried or frustrated, try to stick to the positives
I am so looking forward to seeing your kids next week!