All families must complete your paperwork online through SchoolMint; you will use the same email and password as you did to confirm enrollment AND attend one of the following sessions in-person – class assignments will be given after your paperwork is done.
Most families have completed the online registration paperwork; you are all set unless you hear from Margaret directly.
All families are required to complete a free/reduced lunch application, whether you qualify or not (this will bring more $$ to Chabot, and to the District). Here is a link for the online Free/Reduced Lunch Application. Please print your confirmation page and bring to Registration with you.
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION — Friday, August 2, 2019, 4-6 pm (open for all grades)
KINDERGARTEN ONLY — Friday, August 9, 2019,1-2 pm; fingerprinting* available for parent volunteers–
OPEN REGISTRATION — Friday, August 9, 2019, 2:30-5:30 pm
VACATIONING AS LONG AS POSSIBLE — Monday, August 12, 7:30-8:30 am — the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
The District Handbook is only available online this year; please click 2019-2020 OUSD Handbook to access the handbook.