It’s hard to believe it, but Fall is already upon us. With Fall comes the return of our wonderful After School Program. This year we will welcome back many of our returning providers as well as some additional new classes and subjects.

To streamline our booking, we are excited to announce that we have adopted a new system that will allow us to sign up and track enrichment classes all in one place.

On August 6 at 8 am, enrichment enrollment will open here.

In advance of enrollment opening, feel free to view the schedule. There are a few last classes coming in, but everything will be finalized by August 6.

Lastly, if you are interested in applying for a scholarship, all program providers will offer one full scholarship per session, awarded on a need-based honor system (limit: 1 per family/session). Need is defined as children who would otherwise not be able to afford After-School Program classes without scholarships. Families who qualify for free or reduced lunch will have priority. Please only apply for classes that your child is committed to taking.

To apply for a scholarship, download the Scholarship Request Form, fill it out, and submit it to Ms. Bermeo in the Chabot office by August 15. (Do not submit an Enrollment form to the providers.) Parents will be notified via email of scholarship awards by August 17. For questions about scholarships, please contact Celia Bermeo or (510) 654-4884.