
Chabot Reopening: K-2 Students Returning Beginning March 30

Greetings Chabot Community,

I imagine by now that you have heard that OEA and OUSD have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to allow for schools to reopen with a phased in approach beginning with K-2 and high priority students* on Tuesday, March 30. Grades 3-5 are scheduled to return on Monday, April 19. On behalf of all Chabot employees, we are VERY excited to welcome you and your children back to our campus!

I know you all have a million questions. Please be patient with all of us in the office and with all the teachers – although we are thrilled to be moving into this phase, there are a lot of details to work through.

Here are the District’s SAMPLE SCHEDULES for this next phase. Chabot’s schedule will look very much like the one listed for elementary schools, with online instruction with their classroom teacher happening for all students in the morning and in person learning happening in smaller cohorts for those families who opt in. I do not anticipate a need to shuffle classes. All students will be in one of three cohorts:

COHORT A – In person learning on Monday and Tuesday afternoons

COHORT B – In person learning on Thursday and Friday afternoons

COHORT C – No in person learning – will have an optional small group check in with support staff during afternoon and will have asynchronous work to complete

By Tuesday, I will communicate which cohort your children are in based on your response to the District’s Intent to Return Survey from a few weeks ago. If you chose Distance Learning Only, but want to opt in for afternoon instruction, you may do so with a form I will distribute, but you must finalize by Friday morning 3/26. There will be a second Opt In Phase beginning April 19 with a deadline the week before. Families may opt out of in person learning at any time, but once you do, you can not return until the next entry date due to safety concerns and the need to keep cohorts stable.

Siblings will be in the same A/B cohort. No other requests for A vs B will be considered. We are making these groups based on academic need, balanced groups, Special Ed needs, and siblings. We simply can not accommodate additional preferences.

Over the next few days, we will be communicating all details – from cohorts, to enrichments, to safety, to drop off procedures. All communication will be sent through both Room Parents and School Messenger to ensure everyone is up to date.

In the meantime, K-2 parents should please do the following:

  • Reserve Thursday, March 25 at 5:00 for a Return to School Orientation on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 853 8949 0972 – Passcode: 299595

  • Work with your Room Parents to access Parent Square. Every family will need to complete The Symptom Checker on Parent Square daily.

This is an exciting and hopeful time – I can’t wait to see your kids!!!


*Families of high priority students will be contacted individually